Character Design

$80 USD

You get:

PNG files in the requested size

Commissions Info


You get:

PNG files size 28x28, 56x56, 112x112 pixels and an extra size of 2000x2000 pixels.

$30 USD


  • $6 USD per color variation of a previous badge made by me.

  • $15 USD per small variation of a previous badge made by me.

$25 USD

You get:

PNG files size 18x18, 36x36, 72x72 pixels and an extra size of 1800x1800 pixels.


Sketch: I draw a sketch of your idea and send it to you for a review.

Polish: If all is okay with the sketch I will polish all details to get the final version and send it to you for a last review.

Delivery: When all is good with the final version I will send an email with a zip document with the final files, the commission is considered complete when the email was sent.

Payment: Full payment must be done via PayPal after approval or request any change in the sketch phase.


  • I don't emulate the style of other artists.

  • I don't work only text emotes / badges.

  • Only one character / Item per emote or badge.

  • I can choose not to work with you if I don't feel comfortable with the ideas you propose.

  • All prices are USD and may vary depending on the amount of details and complexity of the commission.